League Rule Change: Cancelled Matches

Posted: January 27, 2009 in YMCA League Updates

So far this league season when a match has been cancelled we’ve just made that timeslot available to whoever wanted to get their match over with sooner or to anyone who wanted to play a pickup game. It has been pointed out to us that this isn’t fair to the person whose match was originally scheduled for that timeslot, so we’ve decide to make a new rule:

3 (o). If a match is rescheduled or forfeited by one of the players, then the other player will be allowed to use the court time to make up any previously missed matches or for non-league matches with other players of their choosing. If the other player does not wish to use the timeslot, then the league manager will decide how the open timeslot is to be used.

We will post this on the board at the YMCA before matches begin this friday night and do our best to make sure that everyone is aware of it.

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